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Lissan Primary School, Cookstown


2023/2024 School Year

7th May 2024
Parenting a Neurodiverse Child through Big life events in partnership with Eden...
7th May 2024
We are very excited to be teaming up with SchoolCycled,  an initiative by...
3rd May 2024
Home to School Transport Application Applications for primary school transport...
3rd May 2024
Congratulations to Evie, Sarah, Kian, Eoin and Aoibh.
2nd May 2024
Registration link for P5/6 Summer Scheme:
30th Apr 2024
On Friday 26th April Primary 7 took a class trip to the Titanic museum in Belfast....
29th Apr 2024
Our Eco Club aims to get children outside, looking after our school outdoor environment...
26th Apr 2024
Congratulations to Ella, Maisie, Conor and Tilly.
26th Apr 2024
The P4/5 class met with Eva Jones, Billeting Officer, who prepared them for their...
25th Apr 2024
A huge well done to our two P7 boys, Charlie and Conor who played in Saturday’s...